Peace Chiropractic Arts
Chiropractic in Bed Stuy, Brooklyn · Flatiron, New York City
Gentle Chiropractic Care in Bed Stuy, Brooklyn, New York City
What we do: with the help of gentle chiropractic care, together, we bring healing, peace and ease to our bodies and minds, our families, our communities, and our world.
Your Health History
We listen to your story and make sure your health care goals are aligned with the kind of care we deliver.
Your Physical Exam
We take a look at your current state of health and create a plan of care that works for you and your needs.
Your Adjustments
Through gentle, tonal, hands-on chiropractic care, we help you release pent-up blocks to your optimal health.
Our Practice is Your Healing Space
If you are committed to releasing the physical blocks that has kept you from healing well and performing at your best, we are committed to help you do so in an easy and relaxed manner.
Happy Practice Members
Here’s some nice words some of our practice members have said about us. There’s more on our social media pages!

Christine and Dave
Happy Couple
“Thank you for your gentle care over the past year. It has been appreciated.”

Amy W.
College Student and Artist
“Thank you for figuring out what was happening with me when no one else could. You have helped me more than you will ever know.”

Emma B.
Big-Hearted Mom and Adventurer
“Thank you for all you’ve done for me. It is lovely to have met you.”
Find Out More
If you just want to ask a question, please feel free to reach out.